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US District Manager Update

Tigercat announces changes to its district manager team and territories in the southern United States.

Following the recent passing of Johnny Boyd, who served as a Tigercat district manager since 1996, Tigercat is pleased to announce the promotion of Nicholas Edwards to District Manager.

With a strong technical background and extensive experience as a technician and operations manager for various heavy equipment brands, Nick has excelled as a product support representative for Tigercat since 2021. His skills make him well suited to manage dealer support and development in his new role. “Nick has been an invaluable member of Tigercat's product support field team, and this promotion is a well-deserved opportunity,” states US Sales Manager Kevin Selby.

Nick will continue to provide technical support to Tigercat dealers and customers until a new product support representative is brought onboard for the regions of Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas.

The southern US district manager territories have been redefined as follows:

Nick Edwards will oversee Texas, the portion of Louisiana that falls south of I-20, three B & G Equipment territories in Mississippi served by store locations in Philadelphia, Magnolia and Hattiesburg, as well as the territory covered by B & G’s Moundville, Alabama location.

Don Snively’s territory will expand to include Tidewater's Alabama territory as well as the territory of Alabama dealer Forestry 21. Don also covers Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and Tidewater’s territory in North Carolina.

James Farquhar will focus on Arkansas, north Louisiana (above I-20) as well as the territory of B & G Equipment's Iuka store, extending from north Mississippi into Tennessee. James also covers, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Montana, Colorado and the Canadian provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.